Sunday, November 10, 2019

Treat Flea Allergy Dermatitis

It is almost certainly true to say that there are lots of dog owners wondering how to treat flea allergy dermatitis in their pets.

Treat Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Flea allergy dermatitis is a condition that affects both people and domestic dogs, but in this article we will be concentrating on its effects on dogs and what pet owners’ options are for treatment of their animals.

Dog owners are likely to notice the effects of flea allergy dermatitis when they see their pooches repeatedly licking and scratching themselves apparently in response to persistent itching. Unfortunately, the scratching and licking may not be noticed until the effects begin to become more severe. At this stage, dogs may start to suffer loss of fur from the affected areas of their bodies. In addition, owners will notice that the exposed areas of skin are inflamed and red. At this point, it becomes a matter of urgency to treat flea allergy dermatitis or face the dire consequences of not doing so – failure to seek treatment in a timely manner may lead to much-loved family pets having to be destroyed.

Before treating your dog’s flea allergy dermatitis, it is necessary to establish if indeed the cause of the problem is infestation by fleas. Pet owners can do some preliminary investigation themselves, which may immediately reveal that fleas are to blame. However, investigations of this kind are not always conclusive, and in such cases owners are advised that they must bite the bullet and call in the assistance of a professional veterinarian to diagnose the problem and possibly treat flea allergy dermatitis.

Owners wishing to check their animals for fleas should comb out their dogs’ fur and check to see if fleas can be seen on the comb. Even if fleas themselves are not visible, you may see flea excrement, which looks like black dandruff.

If you find fleas on your dog, you can try some home treatment in an attempt to rid him of these parasites. You can wash your dog thoroughly using an anti-flea dog shampoo. This should be done with cool or cold water so as not to exacerbate the problem. Do not in any circumstances use scalding hot water on your dog.

After shampooing your dog, you can try applying a soothing lotion such as calamine lotion. This is a traditional remedy that is known to sooth inflammation and itching. It can be obtained at the pharmacy and does not require a prescription.

If the methods described above produce no improvement in your dog’s condition, you must take him to see a veterinary doctor, who can prescribe a more powerful anti-flea medication for your pooch. Another very important thing you must do when you treat flea allergy dermatitis is to get rid of any bedding that may be infested with fleas. If you fail to do this, the fleas will simply re-infect your dog and the whole sorry cycle will repeat itself. Therefore it is vital to get rid of any fleas in your dog’s bedding and also elsewhere in your home.


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