Sunday, November 10, 2019

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

One of the most awkward problems that can face pet owners is the spectre of flea allergy dermatitis. This is a skin condition that can affect both domestic cats and dogs.

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Saliva produced by fleas is thought to be the agent responsible for triggering flea allergy dermatitis in cats and dogs. When fleas bite pets, the insects’ saliva is introduced into the bite wounds. The saliva contains chemicals that may produce an allergic reaction, which leads to the development of dermatitis.

Dermatitis in cats and dogs, when caused by an allergic reaction to the chemicals in flea saliva, leads to some nasty symptoms. Owners of domestic animals should keep a sharp eye out for the problem, especially if your pet appears to be scratching and licking itself a lot more than is usually the case. Typical symptoms that may be observed by pet owners include red patches of inflamed skin; papules (unexplained bumps on animals’ skin); pustules (another kind of bump, in this case filled with pus); scabs appearing on the skin; and, above all, loss of animals’ hair or fur to a significant extent.

The symptoms of flea allergy dermatitis are common to both cats and dogs; however, these symptoms may vary. If you are at all concerned about the health of your animals, you should be proactive about the matter and do the necessary research using the excellent resources available to you on the internet. The many articles published on pet welfare websites will enable you to narrow down the symptoms and find out what the problem is that is adversely afflicting the health of your cherished pet.

While it is highly recommended that pet owners educate themselves on the subject of dermatitis in dogs and cats caused by an allergic reaction to flea bites, they should not attempt to usurp the role of a qualified veterinarian. Having a hunch about the likely causes of your pet’s distress is one thing, but the matter of the final diagnosis and prescribed treatment is another. Those decisions should be left to professional medical personal. You should not make the mistake of purchasing over the counter remedies, which could do more harm than good, as well as being ineffective in clearing up your pet’s flea allergy dermatitis.

If you suspect that your prized cat or dog is suffering from an allergic reaction to flea saliva, you should book the animal in for a consultation with a vet as soon as you can. The veterinarian will take a close look at the symptoms being experienced by your pet and then make the appropriate diagnosis. Clearing up the dermatitis can be achieved through the prescription of anti-inflammatory potions and lotions, which owners must apply to the problem areas of their pets’ bodies. However, prevention of a further recurrence of flea allergy dermatitis is equally important. In order to prevent renewed outbreaks of the condition, you must, as far as possible, totally eliminate fleas from your home and from any bedding used by your pet.



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