Saturday, November 23, 2019

Occurance of Eczema

If you have eczema you know that it can take over your life and make you very miserable. The incidence of eczema in both children and adults worldwide is rising. If you among those affected, it is important to know how to live with the condition and not let the condition completely take over your life. There is no known cure for eczema, only a range of treatments that can help diffuse the effects of an eczema outbreak. As a eczema sufferer, you take measures to eliminate the possibility of household cleaning products, detergents or soap, makeup products or clothing choices making your outbreaks worse.

Occurance of Eczema

Eczema can occur almost anywhere on the body including behind the knees, the fold of the elbow, on the hands, in the ears, and in the hair line. It can also occur in the groin area, on the feet–anywhere the body experiences friction and perspiration or is excessively naturally dry. Eczema is used to refer to skin lesions that are often from an unknown cause that are dry, scaly, and excessively itchy but that can become crusty or weeping. In some circumstances bleeding occurs. It may be wise to try to eliminate all factors that contribute to eczema including dust, house mites, animal fur or feathers, chemical products in the home, and ensure you remove dust by wet dusting, vacuuming regularly and treating all dry skin or itchy patches with a trusted emollient that provides deep moisture to the skin.



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