Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dyshidrotic Dermatitis

Although it is not as well known as some skin conditions, dyshidrotic dermatitis still has the power to make the lives of those who suffer from it little short of misery. If you have only recently encountered this skin ailment for the first time, read on to find out more about its signs and symptoms, and what you can do to treat them.

Dyshidrotic Dermatitis

Dyshidrotic dermatitis is a skin condition that rears its ugly head mostly among persons aged between about 20 and about 40. Although the condition can appear at an earlier age, it is very uncommon for children to suffer from it. One other fact that has been observed is that females have a greater susceptibility to the complaint.

The symptoms of this form of dermatitis are very distinctive as compared to other, broadly similar skin conditions. Victims experience skin problems only on their feet and hands, primarily the latter. Symptoms suffered by patients include blisters on the palms of the hands, fingers, and soles of the feet; strong itching in affected areas; red, inflamed skin, accompanied by skin flaking and peeling; pitted and discoloured fingernails and toenails.

The causes of dyshidrotic eczema, to give this condition its alternative name, are not known. At one time, medics believed that it was caused by excessive sweating. While sweating is still thought to exacerbate the problem, experts now discount it as the primary cause of the condition. The current school of medical thought is that the skin problems are a response to stressful events in the body. For example, this could be when a person is suffering from another disease. In other words, dyshidrotic dermatitis is thought to develop in some cases as a secondary condition when another condition is already affecting the patient.

Additionally, there is some evidence that anomalous weather conditions can cause the dermatitis to flare up in those predisposed to the disease. Weather conditions believed to have the power to trigger attacks include excessive humidity, as well as extremes of heat and cold. The bottom line with this skin condition is that there are quite a number of different risk factors that appear to be implicated in causing it. Smoking, the use of oral contraceptives, and stress, are just three examples of factors that have been linked to the incidence of dyshidrotic dermatitis.

Turning to the vexed question of treatment of dyshidrotic type dermatitis, patients are advised that they should seek out a consultation with a qualified physician, rather than simply sticking their heads in the sand or, even worse, attempting to self-medicate through the use of dubious potions and lotions sold by quacks on the internet.

As in so many cases, there is no substitute for getting an accurate diagnosis from a trained medico, who can take a long, hard look at your signs and symptoms before prescribing a treatment for dyshidrotic dermatitis that is likely to be one hundred percent effective and beneficial to the patient. Basic treatment comes in the form of corticosteroid topical creams that patients must apply to the affected areas in an appropriate manner. The doc may also treat you with antibiotics in an effort to clear up your symptoms.



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