Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sunshine And Your Skin

Due to skin cancer being on the increase, the medical advice over the past few years has been to avoid the sun, make sure you put plenty of high factor sun cream on and cover up with light cotton clothing.

Sunshine And Your Skin

But, does that mean that we are now suffering with a lack of Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin? Ask yourself, why does it feel so good to enjoy the warm sunshine on your body? I tell you – it feels good, because it is good for you. I am not saying for one minute that anybody should go and fry in midday sun allowing their skin to burn (not that there is much chance of that at the moment in the UK), but frequent and regular exposure is vital for your overall health.

So, what does Vitamin D do? Vitamin D is responsible for your body’s absorption of Calcium and Phosphate, minerals, which your body needs to maintain good bone and teeth health.

Some studies have also shown that a lack of Vitamin D could be contributing towards drier skin.You might notice that the skin on your hands is dry and even cracking during the cold winter months and even the skin on the rest of your body probably feels drier than in the summer, when it is warmer.

You can choose to supplement your diet with Vitamin D, also a lot foods like margarine are fortified with Vitamin D, or you can choose to sunbathe safely, by which I mean either early in the morning, or late in the afternoon and make the most of the sun early in the spring and late into the autumn to keep your Vitamin D level high, although you would probably still use supplements in the winter. Sunshine is good for your skin and your overall health and I, personally, can’t wait for the spring to finally arrive so that I can go out and enjoy the sunshine and improve my level of Vitamin D.


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