Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Eczema Herpeticum

Eczema herpeticum is a condition that occurs when an eczema skin rash becomes infected with the herpes simplex virus. Most often people with this virus only get cold sores on the lips and mouth area. However if that person also has a skin condition such as eczema, sores can appear anywhere on the body. Eczema herpeticum symptoms are usually severe and can include a high fever and small blisters that can sometimes be filled with a liquid pus.

Eczema Herpeticum

Even if your eczema is relatively mild you may still be at risk of contracting eczema herpeticum. Especially if any open skin rashes come into contact with someone who has a fever blister or cold sore that is in the active stages. Anyone can contract the herpes simplex virus regardless of age or gender. Often times people who have the virus won’t even know it as no symptoms are present.

The first signs of eczema herpeticum won’t appear until after about a week or so. It will show up on the same area as the eczema, in the form of liquid filled blisters that will be very itchy. The danger is not seeking treatment right away as the blisters may spread to other parts of the body. They may bleed and form crusty scabs which can be extremely painful. Once the blisters have spread further across the body they can cause your lymph nodes to swell. A very high fever will occur and infections are likely because of the open, damaged skin rashes covering the body.

Sometimes eczema herpecticum sufferers won’t develop blisters, instead they may have patchy, pimple areas that appear. If you are an eczema sufferer and notice many liquid filled blisters where your dermatitis is then you need to get it looked at straight away. Your usual eczema symptoms will be much more severe and can create a lot of pain and discomfort.

Cold sores can flare up just like eczema under certain conditions or from certain triggers. These can include extreme temperatures that can burn or dry the lips, stress and being sick or run down.

A high dose of an anti viral like Acyclovir is used as an eczema herpeticum treatment. Diagnosis is not always as simple as you might think due to this being a very rare condition. If you suffer from severe eczema and are also prone to cold sores it is important to be very cautious. Make sure if you notice your eczema symptoms have small liquid filled blisters to seek treatment right away.

Source: eczema-in-babies.net/eczema-herpeticum


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