Sunday, November 10, 2019

Chronic Venous Stasis Dermatitis

When chronic venous stasis dermatitis hits, victims are advised that there is nothing for it but they must seek the assistance of a qualified medic as soon as humanly possible.

Chronic Venous Stasis Dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis, for those unfamiliar with the condition, is a rather nasty skin ailment, which typically strikes those of advanced age who are inactive and have a sedentary lifestyle. As people age, blood circulation in the extremities tends to decline in efficiency even at the best of times. However, if you add chronic obesity and physical inactivity into the equation, you immediately have a great recipe for the possible appearance of stasis dermatitis.

The symptoms of chronic venous stasis dermatitis are a darkened and reddened appearance to the skin of the legs, with painful swellings and inflammations. Patients also commonly report itching and tingling in their legs, from which scratching brings not one ounce of relief.

Venous stasis dermatitis is caused by inefficient blood flow in the legs. Instead of efficiently returning blood back to the heart, affected veins leak fluid, which gathers in pools under the surface of the skin. This causes swelling and inflammation, which can lead to troublesome ulcers and open sores.

It is fair to say that chronic venous stasis dermatitis sometimes sneaks up on its victims. The early signs may not even be noticed by sufferers, but by the time that patients become aware that there is a problem, matters may well have got out of hand. Therefore, at this stage, patients need to move fast in order to seek treatment solutions that are not only effective but timely.

Sadly, there is no cure for stasis dermatitis. This is a disease that is associated with the bodily degeneration that occurs when people reach an advanced age. However, patients can certainly alleviate their symptoms and prevent the condition from becoming more advanced.

If you fall foul of a bad case of stasis dermatitis, there is nothing to be gained from burying your head in the sand like an ostrich. Patients who respond in this manner will likely see their condition become worse and worse. Rather, the recommended approach to treating stasis dermatitis certainly requires paying a visit to see your GP as a matter of urgency. Putting off a consultation with a medic will simply allow the condition to become more entrenched, making treatment more problematic.

For cases of chronic venous stasis dermatitis, where severe inflammation and ulceration has occurred, a doctor can take immediate action to drain off fluid. He or she will also prescribe steroid creams to aid healing and reduction of inflammation.

Beyond these obvious corrective actions, doctors will attempt to get patients to modify their behaviour. This means persuading patients, where possible, to become more physically active. It is well known that chronic venous stasis dermatitis results from a sedentary lifestyle, so becoming more physically active on a day to day basis can certainly have considerable benefits for patients. Wearing compression stockings can also help promote better circulation and reduce the effects of stasis dermatitis.



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