Thursday, November 14, 2019

Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

Atopic dermatitis is another name for allergic dermatitis; therefore atopic dermatitis treatment is the same as that prescribed by clinicians for allergic dermatitis, since the two terms are interchangeable for practical purposes.

Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

Before considering the question of atopic dermatitis treatment, it is necessary for us to take a brief look at atopic dermatitis and its symptoms. Atopic or allergic dermatitis is a skin complaint that affects a large number of infant children. It is believed that up to a third of kids in the USA fall victim to the condition, although in most cases it passes leaving the patient unaffected in later life to any degree.

Atopic dermatitis usually develops in young children around the age of six to twelve weeks. It is not known what the causes of the complaint are, although it has been noted that infants that are breast fed are less susceptible to developing it. The condition begins with sufferers suffering chronic itching in various places on their bodies. The natural response is to scratch, but of course this only makes the matter worse. Once atopic dermatitis takes hold, sufferers experience painfully sore “hives” or red rashes on their bodies.

The pain and discomfort created by this skin condition makes atopic dermatitis treatment an urgent requirement. Parents should not delay seeking medical help for their children once they notice the development of the distinctive rashes and red marks on their bodies, which are the tell-tale signs of atopic dermatitis. One particular area to watch out for is around the lips, where children make the problem worse by repetitive licking in an attempt to relieve the itching. Other signs to keep an eye out for are a hardening (or lichenification) of the skin as well as a darkening of the skin pigmentation of the eyelids.

Although atopic dermatitis normally fades with time, usually around the age of eighteen months or so, it can sometimes make the sufferer more prone to skin complaints like eczema in later life. Notwithstanding that, atopic dermatitis treatment is essential as it can improve the quality of life of young children for the period when they are affected by this condition. Parents may not realize at first how painful the skin rashes are for their stricken kids, and also to what extent the symptoms of atopic dermatitis can interfere with healthy sleep patterns. Getting plenty of sleep is vitally important for infant children as it seems to be closely connected to healthy physical and mental development. Anything that prevents sleep has to be a major concern, which is why parents should not hesitate for a moment in seeking out effective treatment for their children.

The usual treatment for atopic dermatitis is to prescribe steroid creams and ointments. These preparations are highly effective in reducing skin inflammation and healing the affected areas. In addition, the use of general purpose moisturizers is recommended as they can sooth the skin and relieve the urge to constantly scratch. As you can see, atopic dermatitis treatment is a fairly simple matter but, for the reasons stated above, it is vital that parents do not delay in seeking medical advice.



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