Thursday, November 14, 2019

Allergic Dermatitis in Cats

Anyone who owns a cat should be aware that allergic dermatitis in cats is one of the biggest problems they are likely to face as a pet owner.

Allergic Dermatitis in Cats

Just as with dogs, cats may experience an allergic reaction to something, which then causes itching and skin irritation. This can then lead to hair or fur loss, at which stage it is vital to take a suffering animal to see a qualified veterinary doctor in order to effect some kind of treatment.

Cats normally scratch and lick as part of their day to day cleaning routine, but if you start to observe your pet doing this to what seems like an excessive extent it could be that you are seeing the beginnings of a case of allergic dermatitis.

Allergic dermatitis in cats is exacerbated when animals scratch and lick repeatedly in response to the itching they are experiencing. Eventually this leads to hardening of the skin and then fur loss. It is a vicious circle that is perpetuated by the cat’s licking and scratching. Ultimately, though, the condition is caused by an allergic reaction, but to what?

It is fair to say that cats may suffer allergic dermatitis due to allergic reactions to a number of different agents. One of the worst culprits is the flea. As with dogs, fleas can cause problems when they infest bedding, so this matter should be investigated by owners. However, allergic dermatitis in cats can also be caused by allergic reaction to certain foods, although establishing this as a definite cause of the condition can be difficult.

Other agents that can cause a cat to suffer allergic dermatitis include exposure to pollen, dust mites, grasses, as well as mold build up inside your home.

Since allergic dermatitis in cats has so many different possible causes, it can be hard for owners to make a proper diagnosis of the problem. Therefore it is very wise to take your pet to see a qualified veterinarian as soon as you become aware that the animal has a problem. Delaying such a consultation, in the mistaken belief that the condition will simply clear up of its own accord, represents folly of the highest order.

Once you bite the bullet and take your cat to see the vet, various options will open up as regards possible treatment. The medic will undertake various tests in an attempt to isolate the likely cause of your cat’s condition. If the trouble is traced to fleas, you will be required to remove any traces of flea infestation. This may require that you replace bedding that has become infested with these parasites. There are also products available that will kill fleas en masse and remove them from your home.

As well as removing the source of the allergic reaction, successful treatment of allergic dermatitis in cats involves the use of lotions and special shampoos aimed at clearing up inflammation and blistering of the animal’s skin. Your cat may not take kindly to being subjected to such treatments but they are vital if you wish to rid your pet of this tiresome skin condition.



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