Saturday, July 20, 2019

Scalp Eczema

Eczema is a skin disease which affects the skin surface very badly. It leads to itchy and irritating situation which makes the case worst. In eczema, your feel a lot of inflammation over the affected skin. Unfortunately, there is no cure of this skin problem but it is controlled via various medicines, lotions and cream. Though these medications and other treatments help a lot in getting rid of eczema but they may appear again after some time. This disease can breakout at any portion of the skin but when it appears over the scalp, it is called scalp eczema. Initially, eczema over scalp breaks out in the form of dandruff which gets worst as the time goes ahead. As a result, affected person scratch the scalp with nails and this causes the skin getting red and sometime starts to release blood.

Scalp Eczema

Dandruff shampoos also works good when the scalp eczema is at the initial stage but this is not a solution of the problem and you have to consult your dermatologist. You may feel hair loss in the eczema affected skin but whenever you control this eczema, hair will start to grow as usual. This disease is most common in women than that of men so men need to give more care and attention to their hairs. It is also common in teenagers in the puberty stage due to the changes in the hormonal level which results in scalp eczema.

The exact reason of this skin disease is not known so far, though a lot of researches have been done. It has appeared in conjunction to some other skin disorder or health disorder and not happen alone. That is why; it has been very difficult to separate the scalp eczema reasons from others. A lot of research is required in order to make this disease curable and to help lot of people getting rid of it.

Major reasons of Scalp Eczema

The major reasons of this disease are usually given as:
  1. The puberty age which causes hormonal change resulting into eczema.
  2. The too much stress and anxiety in the daily life could cause severe health disorders. One of them is scalp eczema. Stress and anxiety could also lead to other health issues such as vomiting, nausea, memory problems, constant worrying, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, loss of sex drive, concentration problems etc are the main sign and symptoms of stress.
  3. The deficit in the sleeping could also lead to this scalp skin disease.
  4. Toxins in your body could have raised too much which affect the immune system a lot. So efforts should be made to minimize the amount or level of toxin from the body using detoxifying agent and using exercises which speed up the process of detoxification.
In order to control this eczema, your doctor or health expert can suggest you steroids which although can help you a lot in preventing the itching but the major problem is that it causes a lot of other health problems. Also it does not allow you to completely get rid of this skin problem.

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