Friday, July 19, 2019

Myths And Realities Of Contagious Eczema

You would have seen people with very bad rashes on different part of their skins, they are usually trying to scratch their skin right off if possible and most probably you would have been revolted and would have tried to avoid the said person thinking that, “something which looks so bad has got to be contagious and this must be one very dirty individual to have suffered such a skin malady.”

Myths And Realities Of Contagious Eczema

Well fortunately or unfortunately you would have been wrong on multiple counts, yes that person is suffering from a serious skin condition popularly known as eczema but you have to understand that contagious eczema does not exist. I repeat contagious eczema is not possible, why? For one simple reason, now it is widely believed that eczema is hereditary. In other words it can only be transmitted from parents to their off springs so staying near a person affected by eczema is not going to make you break out in rashes all of sudden because you  were touched by or you touched a person suffering from eczema but you would have had a history of eczema in your family.

You would again be wrong if you think that said person was not a very diligent practitioner of hygienic practices. As a matter of fact, it is quite possible that said person was too hygiene conscious for his own good, it is believed that by being too hygienic your body is never introduced to certain antigens and hence is unable to develop immunization against them also it has been quite conclusively shown that soaps and detergents can produce allergic reactions in people suffering from eczema, so a person suffering from eczema might be just too neat for his own good.

A large proportion of patients suffering from eczema are children and it is a popular misconception that drools of these babies can be a cause of eczema but as was mentioned above contagious eczema is just a myth this disease though should be taken seriously but is not contagious.

Though this disease is not contagious but person suffering from it should seek immediate treatment because delay can cause serious discomfort and give rise to complexities that will become harder to treat with passage of time. As there are no remedies available for this disease best you can do is to treat the symptoms which will help relieve intense itching that is accompanied by redness and swelling of skin very severe cases can even develop lesions that ooze fluids.

Children suffering from this ailment are usually cured by the age of 3 but in adults it is a recurring phenomenon. Also care should be taken that lesions or boils in some cases that are the result of this disease do not become septic. Eczema in itself is not contagious but very severe condition can cause infection and some of those infections could potentially be contagious, so if it degenerates in to one of those infections then care needs to be taken around such patient, so that other people are not affected by the malady.


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