Thursday, July 18, 2019

Monosodium Glutamate And Your Skin

Our busy lifestyles often mean that we shop for our food in supermarkets and convenience and speed of preparation is at the top of our list.

Monosodium Glutamate And Your Skin

But there is a price to pay. These convenient processed foods usually contain artificial additives. These additives are there to prolong the shelf life of the products and make them smell and taste stronger, but they are most definitely not there to make us, the general public healthier.

One of these additives, which is commonly used in flavoured crisps, gravy granules, canned soups, chinese food, lots of sauces and processed cold meats (this is not an exhaustive list) is Monosodium Glutamate also known as MSG, or E621.

This food additive is a flavour enhancer, it makes the food taste nicer and more flavoursome, but it most certainly doesn’t make it healthier for us, in fact the opposite is true. It has been associated with some chronic health issues, such as headaches, eye damage, numbness, fatigue and disorientation, eye damage, burning sensations and tingling and depression, to name just some of them. Although I have to point out here, that scientific studies haven’t found a link between the above symptoms and MSG.

So, how does MSG affect your skin health?

As with any type of food or additive, you could develop an allergy to MSG, which would of course then result in an allergic reaction. This could mean skin rashes and itching as well all the other usual symptoms of an allergic reaction.

So we can’t say that MSG in itself is bad for your skin, but if you are trying to lead an overall healthier lifestyle, which would certainly also improve your skin health, then it would be best to avoid MSG as well other unnecessary additives and stick to a wholesome simple diet of plain fresh raw ingredients. You can then cook these at home, flavour them with herbs and know what you are eating.


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