Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nummular Eczema

Nummular eczema (nummular dermatitis) is a type of eczema typically categorized by coin-shaped patches on the skin. Often the center is clear or pale (and often scaly) with a red or irritated edge and like regular eczema it is usually quite itchy. The cause is still unknown as to why some people get it and others don’t.

Nummular Eczema

More common in winter, nummular eczema is most often associated with skin dryness and can easily be irritated by soaps and detergents. While it can be difficult to avoid detergents all together if you do handle them make sure you are wearing gloves that are waterproof and rinse well.

While there is still no cure for nummular eczema there are a number of treatments that you can do to help reduce or control the condition that include both prescription medicine and at home remedies.

Most doctors will prescribe cortisone creams that you apply to the skin once per day. While this is usually effective short term, it isn’t or shouldn’t be used for extended periods of time as cortisone creams do have some health risks with long term use.

Very often you will have to take antibiotics as well as this type of eczema is prone to staph infections. If you do have to take antibiotics you should try and supplement your diet with probiotics to get the good bacteria back into your body.

For general treatments make sure you keep the skin moisturized and reapply a few times during the day. When bathing make sure you use lukewarm water and try and avoid soaps and detergents if at all possible. Cetaphil can be used instead of soap in severe cases because it doesn’t dry out the skin.

Use cotton clothing and bedding and avoid polyester blends which can cause the skin to sweat and may aggravate the condition even worse.


Is There Are Cure For Nummular Eczema?

Nummular eczema (or nummular dermatitis) is the unusual type of eczema that occurs on the skin in a round coin shaped rash. Many people often confuse it for ringworm because of its shape but the causes are quite different (ringworm is a fungal infection, whereas nummular eczema is caused by a reaction from a certain irritant).

Is there are cure for Nummular Eczema?

The biggest question that most people have when they have nummular eczema is, is there a cure for it?

Unfortunately at this time there hasn’t been any medical cure’s for it, however there are many things that you can do to keep it at bay and to make sure that the symptoms don’t affect your life. In fact alterative medicine’s and lifestyle changes seem to have a much better lasting result than conventional medicine in treating nummular eczema.

The first step in treating it is to improve your immune system and make sure you are in the best health that you can be. One of the similarities of people who suffer from this rash is that they have weakened immune systems (which is why it can flare up during periods of illness or tiredness).

Like other eczema treatments, keeping your skin moisturized and well hydrated can help, as can making sure that you get plenty of good oils such as omega 3’s in your diet. People who take supplements such as fish oil or linseed oil (which contain high levels of fatty acids and omega 3 oils) have been shown to improve many skin conditions including nummular eczema.

Treating nummular eczema is usually about finding out which irritants can aggravate your condition and avoiding those, and also keeping yourself in good shape both physically and mentally can go a long way in treating this annoying itchy condition.

You can also try keeping your skin moist with many of the best cream for eczema solutions.


How to Get Rid Of Eczema on Your Face

Eczema is a horrible condition for anyone who suffers it, but it’s even more heartbreaking when it appears on your face since it is such a prominent place. So if you or someone that is close to you suffers from eczema on their face I’ll go over some of the ways that you can get rid of it.

How to Get Rid Of Eczema on Your Face

Now I’m going to assume that you’ve already been to skin specialists and dermatologists for treatment options but they haven’t worked. And by the way if you haven’t seen a skin doctor yet, then I suggest that as a first step.

As you already know, eczema is a type of dermatitis. And since any dermatitis that affects the scalp and face is called seborrhea and looks like crusty blisters that can be weepy or dry we can deal with the condition much easier knowing what we are dealing with.

The first step is take a good vitamin supplement to nourish your skin from within. Most eczema sufferers are often deficient in Vitamin B so you should start there with a Vitamin B complex. This will aid in the healing of all cells and it has all the essential vitamins that you need for healthy skin.

However most Vitamin B supplements often don’t include enough of two particular B Vitamins that are needed for healthy skin and they are B6 and B12. Taking extra Vitamin B6 can really help clear up eczema and other skin conditions since since a deficiency in this vitamin has been linked to skin disorders and allergies. Vitamin B12 is also important as it aids in cell formation and regeneration which you want when you are dealing with rashes and other skin problems.

Another great supplement that helps with eczema on your face (or anywhere on the body really) is Biotin since there has been strong links with a deficiency in Biotin and dermatitis. Biotin is actually Vitamin B7 although it is very rarely called that.

In addition to healing your eczema from the inside, you can also make your own creams and lotions for the outside with natural products as well. If you want to make a good healing cream for your face then making a paste of honey, vitamin E oil and goldenseal root powder has been known to holistically clear up eczema and relieve any itching.

All of these supplements and ingredients can be found at your local grocery store or health food store and are natural and inexpensive. They can help get rid of eczema on your face.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Can Drinking Water Improve Your Eczema?

Every so often different theories on improving or even curing your eczema crop up and one that I want to talk about today is whether drinking lots of water can help improve your eczema.

Can Drinking Water Improve Your Eczema?

Unfortunately the answer is no.
There is no question that if you are dehydrated that it can make your skin quite dry (and that’s the case whether you have eczema or not) but if you are drinking enough water during the day to keep your skin and body healthy (6 to 8 glasses per day) then that is enough.

There has been no evidence that more water will help.
The reason is that eczema is an immunity-deficiency disease. While it can be treated and managed with good diet (lots of omega 3 oils, green leafy vegetables and B vitamins) and a strong moisturizer (those recommended for sensitive or eczema prone skin), there is no cure.

Besides it can be dangerous to drink TOO MUCH water as it interferes with the balance of electrolytes in your body which are needed for optimal health.

Many websites claim that if you drink lots of mineral water or purified water that it can help your skin – but truthfully there is no evidence for this. Water IS good for your overall health, but hasn’t been clinically proven to relieve symptoms of eczema sufferers.

But don’t take my word for it, try it if you like – it’s relatively inexpensive. Just don’t expect any results.

It’s better to stick to a healthy stress free lifestyle and use a good moisturising cream instead. It’s also worth talking to your doctor if your eczema is severe.


Occurance of Eczema

If you have eczema you know that it can take over your life and make you very miserable. The incidence of eczema in both children and adults worldwide is rising. If you among those affected, it is important to know how to live with the condition and not let the condition completely take over your life. There is no known cure for eczema, only a range of treatments that can help diffuse the effects of an eczema outbreak. As a eczema sufferer, you take measures to eliminate the possibility of household cleaning products, detergents or soap, makeup products or clothing choices making your outbreaks worse.

Occurance of Eczema

Eczema can occur almost anywhere on the body including behind the knees, the fold of the elbow, on the hands, in the ears, and in the hair line. It can also occur in the groin area, on the feet–anywhere the body experiences friction and perspiration or is excessively naturally dry. Eczema is used to refer to skin lesions that are often from an unknown cause that are dry, scaly, and excessively itchy but that can become crusty or weeping. In some circumstances bleeding occurs. It may be wise to try to eliminate all factors that contribute to eczema including dust, house mites, animal fur or feathers, chemical products in the home, and ensure you remove dust by wet dusting, vacuuming regularly and treating all dry skin or itchy patches with a trusted emollient that provides deep moisture to the skin.


Help With Eczema on Scalp

There are many different causes of Eczema and researchers haven’t found an exact pinpoint as to what causes it. Determining whether or not you or someone you know has Eczema on scalp is relatively simple once you know the exact symptoms. Helping cure this is somewhat simple, but first a diagnosis must be made.

Help With Eczema on Scalp

The symptoms of Eczema on scalp include dry, itchy, inflamed skin. The itching could end up causing more problematic conditions especially among children that can’t help but to scratch. Areas that have been scratched too much will turn into wounds that can get infected easily, so it’s important to look at the scalp to make sure that this doesn’t occur. This type of dysfunction is different than dandruff or dry scalp, and it should be noted that there are differences between the two.

For the most part Eczema on scalp shows flare-ups during changing climate and humidity. Humidity seems to play a major factor in flare-ups, as there might be a change of moisture in the air that causes excessive sweating on the scalp. Harsh irritants like hair dye, relaxer, and shampoos can also lead to scalp problems and should be used with caution. Household cleaners, paint, perfumes, pesticides, and other chemicals can fill the air and trigger Eczema on the scalp. If you or someone you know works with these chemicals make sure they wear gloves and a mask, and additionally do not under any circumstances touch their eyes or itch their had at all. This could cause an outbreak. Allergies are another cause that should be looked at; as changes in the environment can cause itching and turn healthy skin to skin that is affected by Eczema.

To help with Eczema on the scalp there are two treatments that are relatively inexpensive and do not require a doctor’s prescription. It’s important to be careful when using any home remedy and if anything gets worse, immediately seek professional help.

Consider warmed olive oil as a primary solution, on the scalp. The oil will help moisturize the skin and help with the outbreaks. However, it’s important that there are no open wounds or anything that is bleeding to help this be most effective. The second treatment that you can try is to use warmed coconut oil with turmeric. The oil will moisterize the area while the turmeric will fight infection and reduce itching. It should also be noted that shampoos containing soap will dry your scalp and undo the oil application so make sure you’re careful when washing your hair and cleaning the areas. If these two options do not help improve the scalp, it’s important to see a medical professional for a prescription.

To get rid of Eczema for good it’s important to find the root cause. Because there are several causes to this skin disorder, it can take some time to find the root causes. Once they have been established, Eczema can be handled with care and ease. If you remember nothing else, remind yourself and others not to itch the area, that is going to be point #1 in helping relieve the scalp, avoid scratching at all costs.


A Closer Look At Dyshidrotic Eczema

Many people have experienced the unfortunate symptoms of Dyshidrotic Eczema, and are not sure what it might be. Others believe it’s simply something that will go away in time and just try to move forward. However, it’s important understand what Dyshidrotic Eczema is, what the symptoms are and how to get rid of it with relative ease.

A Closer Look At Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic Eczema is one of the types of eczema in which small blisters show up on the palm, fingers, and under the feet. Aside from blisters, inflammation, redness, itching, nail infections, and cracks on the skin after blisters burst can complicate things. These symptoms range from mild to somewhat painful and can affect anyone of any age, and can last upwards of several months at a time. It’s important to treat the skin immediately if any of these symptoms manifest.

There have been several reasons examined as to why Dyshidrotic Eczema manifests on people, and it can be attributed to excessive sweat, allergies, digestive problems, uncomfortable clothing, and exposure to harsh chemicals and allergens. It’s important to seek medical help if things get worse, or you have been in contact with harsh chemicals of any kind. There are things that can be done to help stop some of these problems, as a manifestation of eczema might be stemming from another root cause.

Treating Dyshidrotic Eczema is somewhat simple and there are many different non-intrusive options to help manage outbreaks. Most common a doctor will prescribe a lotion for the patient to use. It’s important to remember not to use any soap, creams, or bath products that have intense chemicals as they might intensify the outbreak and harm the skin further. Additional solutions to ease the discomfort are to apply cold compresses to the area within reason to help manage the pain or irritation that might follow. A doctor can also prescribe oral antibiotics or steroid topical creams that can assist with relieving the symptoms further.

It is important to not panic at the first signs of this form of Eczema. It’s also important to make sure you seek medical attention at the first signs of these things. Some people misdiagnose themselves with simply having blisters or foot problems. It is true that sometimes blisters do form due to shoes that are too tight, or other minor problems, but these types of symptoms are not usually the same as blisters associated with improper footwear. These symptoms may last a longer time than traditional blisters and wounds, so it’s important to make sure that you act fast. These things will not easily go away without proper treatment. A medical professional can decipher what type of Eczema you might have, and if it is in fact Dyshidrotic Eczema, they can treat it and have you back to a healthy lifestyle in no time. It is important to remember that anyone can develop this, so it’s never a good idea to rule yourself out as a potential victim of this type of problem 11simply because of your age.

